Novak Djokovic ha destato scalpore per l’intervista rilasciata alla BBC in cui ha ammesso di non volersi vaccinare, ma allo stesso tempo di non essere un novax. Le parole hanno scosso tutto il mondo e le reazioni del web non si sono fatte attendere.
I troll nei confronti di Djokovic
I primi a trollare Djokovic su Twitter sono stati i social media manager dell’account della compagnia low cost RyanAir. Da lì in poi è scoppiata la tendenza.
Ecco i migliori tweet.
We’re not an airline but we do fly planes #Djokovic
— Ryanair (@Ryanair) February 15, 2022
Djokovic: I’m not anti-vax, I’m just anti getting the vaccine
— Ed (@edojidainoedo) February 16, 2022
Severi ma giusti #Djokovic
— Il Grande Flagello (@grande_flagello) February 15, 2022
Novak Djokovic: I’m not anti-vax but will sacrifice trophies if told to get jab
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) February 15, 2022
I’m not a journalist but I write stories. #Djokovic
— Barnaby Lo 吳宗鴻 (@barnabychuck) February 16, 2022
Sounds familiar…
“I’m not a climate denier, I just don’t believe the fundamental conclusions and evidence of climate science.”
#Djokovic— Dr Adam Levy (@ClimateAdam) February 16, 2022
I’m not a fat fuck, but I do eat pizza 4 times a week.#djokovic #pizza
— Brandon (@bds28) February 16, 2022
You may not be an airline but you do fill kerosene in your planes #Djokovic
— Sarpdosh 🐍 (@pranavbajpai) February 16, 2022
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